Interview: Pro and Con Viewpoints Regarding Regional Measure 3 on the June 5th Ballot



Regional Measure 3 would establish a bridge toll increase for transportation projects in all nine counties in the Bay Area. It will be on the ballot for the June 5th election.

A yes vote is a vote in favor of raising bridge tolls in the Bay Area—excluding tolls for the Golden Gate Bridge—by $3 over six years to fund the Bay Area Traffic Relief Plan, including a $4.5 billion slate of transportation projects.

A no vote is a vote against raising bridge tolls in the Bay Area to fund the Bay Area Traffic Relief Plan.

Supporting the measure is Jake McKensie, a Rohnert Park councilman and Chair of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, starts with how the measure would provide $100 million to design and construct improvements on Highway 37, would also widen the Novato Narrows, and extend the SMART train to Windsor:



Opposing the measure is David Schonbrunn, President of TRANSDEF (Transportation Solutions Defense and Education Fund) states why he is against Measure 3, his recommendations for alternate focuses for Bay Area transportation, and what he proposes instead of highway widening for the future of transportation locally and across the nine counties of the Bay Area: