UPDATE: Lock-Down at Piner High School This Morning


Santa Rosa School District Press Conference at Piner High School, October 25th, 2017.


Updated: March 1st – 10:34am

This morning just after 8am, a member of the community reported seeing a suspicious person at Piner High School with what they thought was a gun. Officers immediately advised the high school to go into lock-down, which ended up lasting 32 minutes. The Santa Rosa Police Department located a person in the area that matched the description and it turned out that the suspected gun was a long umbrella.

Vice Principal of Piner High School Andrea Correia was kind enough to join us this morning and provide an overview of the situation:



SRPD reports that they get calls like th is every day. However, with what has happened recently at schools, they are more aware and on edge. They want you to call when you see something suspicious. If you see something, say something.