ABC/Byron Cohen
ABC/Byron Cohen(NEW YORK) — It’s been close to 20 years since Kim Fields starred as Regine Hunter on Queen Latifah’s ’90s sitcom Living Single. While the actress may have moved on in life — now, a wife and proud parent of two young kids — Fields says she’s not against Living Single once again.
“Well, we’ve had some really lovely conversations — quite honestly — about a Living Single reboot,” Fields tells ABC Radio addressing Latifah’s comments in January that a reboot was in the works. “It is not out of the realm of possibility. And so that’s something that — you know — I will certainly explore being a part of that reboot.”
She also admits that playing the gossip-loving Regine wasn’t easy.
“She was glorious to play — again a character that was certainly not like me at all,” Fields explains. “As an actor, I look for those opportunities to be able to really again — stretch out. And that’s exactly who and what Reginae was for me.”
While Fields seems to be on board with a reboot of the series — which originally ran for five seasons on Fox from 1993 to 1998 — the actress, who’s currently promoting her latest film A Question of Faith, says don’t expect the one-time Facts of Life actress to be Tootie again.
“We did a reunion and movie some years ago and that sort of thing. And so I don’t know quite as much about a reboot for Facts, but I feel that‘s one of those treasured gems that you kind of just want to leave that in the vault,” she explains. “You bring it out every now and then and let people enjoy it, have a couple more generations get to know it, and put it back in the vault for a minute.”
Fields’ new film, A Question of Faith, is available in select theaters.
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